Title: Grade 'A' Stalker Pairing: Taemin/Minho Genre: Fluff Rating: PG-13 for language Word Count: 3531 Warning: Large paragraphs...run-on sentences...weird descriptions...the usual for my writing style. Oh, and bring barf bags. There may be over exaggerations in here.
I'm so happy and stoked and ready to have my own car now but i have to wait for school to start back and i get my refund check before i can do any of that. That's one of the reasons it took me so long to write chapter six. I was studying (last minute cramming) for the driver's test. And i was so nervous when i really
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Title : Along for the Ride Pairings : 2min, Jongkey, Minkey, (maybe) Jongtae Genre : Angst, Fluff, Slight (if any) Smut Rating : M for language and possible smut Word Count : 6066
Title : Along for the Ride Pairings : 2min, Minkey, (maybe) Jongtae Genre : Angst, Fluff, Slight (if any) Smut Rating : M for language and possible smut Word Count : in progress